
This table provides classification of the alphabetic letters according to their group assignation: Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Intuitive.

Creative Vacillating Grounded
Physical E W D, M
Mental A H, J, N, P G, L
Emotional I, O, R, Z B, S, T, X -
Intuitive K F, Q, U, Y C, V

When you have placed the letters of your name to the cells of this table, summarize each row and each column until you have master or single digit number.

Meaning of the Planes of expression:

Planes of expression - Mental and Physical Planes of expression - Emotional and Intuitive
Expression Number 1 Expression Number 2
Expression Number 3 Expression Number 4
Expression Number 5 Expression Number 6
Expression Number 7 Expression Number 8
Expression Number 9 Minor Expression Number
Expression Numbers