Numerological Calculator is a nice helper, as it calculates all the data needed for numerological forecast.
Series of the numerology study video lessons.
A symbol of potent energies and transformative potential.
Your creativity is almost on a professional level, it can be manifested in the way you keep up your home, arrange your free time and communicate with others. You are artistic person that can find absolutely amazing way to solve each situation.
You tend to be wit and analytical. You like to be in the limelight, and you always make the party worth coming. People born on the 12th day of the month are very robust and usually obtain good health. You are very skillful in expressing your thoughts both in written and oral form. You need develop your talents, because you will get pleasure from it and it may become the source of your money. As you are quite energetic and persuasive, the job in sales will fit your personality. You can get out of any tight corner using your creative approaches. People like you don't need much to feel happy, and it is precious. People around really enjoy your company.
Really lots of things depend on your mood, if you don't feel like doing it the work will not be done. You are easily disappointed and loose the interest in something as fast as it appears. Your emotions are like sparks, now you are happy, then you are depressed by something. You should always stay concentrated on your priorities and see your goal clearly in order not to be distracted by unimportant stuff. You need some good organization skills to build up your discipline, and you'll get profit.