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Series of the numerology study video lessons.
A symbol of potent energies and transformative potential.
This is a period to open your aesthetical part. Try to brighten your routine with culture, beauty, art, music and poetry, as it brings best in people. Treat yourself with visits to cinema, performances or concerts. Let your eyes see the beauty around. Also it is an amazing chance to meet new people who can open another world for you. It is a real chance to change something for you. It is time for you to step back from your routine and look at something different. If you are not into public places still use Internet to bring more aesthetics to your life. Have some fun, invite friends to your place, and search for some new music.
Negative traits to avoid: egotism, gossiping, spending more than you afford and hate.
Choose such colors to wear: wine, plum, green leaves and pink.
It is better to be very organized and focused during this period. You must control your words and actions, as some misunderstanding is possible. This period is not so lucky, so in order to avoid escalation of the conflicts, it is better to check your actions. The best you can do is to take a day off and have a good rest and relax. Pay attention to the way you feel, your inner harmony and wishes. This time favors deep self-understanding and being in touch with nature. Also do things that make you happy during this time, make sure you are comfortable and find the activity to distract yourself from possibly stressful period.
Negative traits are: narrow-mindedness, obstinacy, lack of self-control, anger and miscommunication.
Choose such colors to wear: green, blue, gray, turquoise or light brown.
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