letter, nN Transit

You will have a chance to broaden your outlook. This period is saturated with journeys and events. Probably you will change the place of living. It is an active period with lots of possibilities. You will make some essential acknowledgements. You will be in a search for love and appreciation. You will need to adapt to and suit different situations. Financial side of life will be a major topic of your concerns. Try to concentrate on important things only, because you are more sensitive and focus of your attention is not stable. Think about changing of your diet and going to gym.

letter, oO Transit

It is quite nervous and stressful time which may have negative consequences for your health, if you let it. You can become excessively worried all the time. It is normal as so many responsibilities are carried by you. Maybe you will find yourself in religious and philosophical studies. Your managerial skills and leadership are increased through this period.

letter, pP Transit

New things and people will suddenly appear in your life. During this period you are can't properly manage your life. Avoid any unreasonable risks. You are a bit confused during this time. Also the relationships may experience hard times, it will be hard for you to show your real feelings. So use this time for spiritual evolution. As a result of this period you'll be rewarded for your skills and talents, promotion is highly possible. However, in general it is rather a spiritual time, than a time for material affairs.

letter, qQ Transit

This letter influences your inner feel and sensitivity. You'll burst into so many ideas, like it has never been before. Critical thinking is your guide during this time. However, you are quite confused and scattered now. Weird and extraordinary people will be somehow attracted to you, so you should avoid unreasonable decisions. Pay attention to your finances. You may change your working place. This time you really need to feel worthy and appraised.

letter, rR Transit

You see more than usual during this period. In the whirlwind of events you will have to cope with finances, authorities and power. A great possibility of boosting in the material and financial sphere exists. It's the time of drastic ups and downs. You will really need to be careful and double-check your actions. Watch out for unknown surroundings.

letter, sS Transit

You think clearly and can formulate your desires precisely. It is a time of general awakening, the inner fears and ideas will surface too. During this period you will attain freedom in the very best sense of this word. Get ready to changes in your life that will happen in a moment, after which you will feel relieved and renewed. You will understand and reevaluate your dreams, because it is time to do that. Once you've decided to change your life, be ready to confront people whose interest is to prevent you from doing so. It is a great time, filled with everything new and unexpected.

Meaning of the Transits: A-F Meaning of the Transits: G-M
Meaning of the Transits: T-Z
Transit Number Essence Number