Unlocking the Secrets of Angel Numbers and Their Meanings

Unlocking the Secrets of Angel Numbers and Their Meanings

Sequences of numbers dubbed 'angelic' have supposed hidden messages. 'Angel numbers' have been gaining popularity as more people discuss the meanings behind them on social media. You've probably heard 'make a wish' when noting that it is 11.11pm.

If you’ve been seeing any of these numbers in your daily life, the universe could be trying to send you a message. Numerology states that each number is connected to a certain vibrational frequency or energy, with meaning attached beyond its sheer numeric value. So if you’ve seen any of the following numbers repeated recently, it’s time to start taking note, and here’s what they could mean:

111 - One is thought to be a powerful number in terms of manifestation, hence why many people will make a wish whenever they see it repeated in a sequence.

222 - Seeing the number two everywhere is thought to serve as a reminder to be present, trust that you are where you are meant to be, and to enjoy the moment.

333 - This sequence is supposedly a prompt from angels to bring more balance into your life, as a sign of a need for self-correction.

444 - Seeing the number four repeated when navigating a challenge or attempting to receive guidance can be taken as a sign that you are being heard.

555 - Starting to spot this sequence is a sign that change is coming, which should be taken as a positive, even if it is uncomfortable.

666 - While it may commonly be known as the number of the beast, in numerology this sequence is said to represent a need for you to take personal responsibility in your life.

777 - Repeating sevens is said to be the universe telling you to relax and let go of your fears for the future, instead embracing the present and trusting everything will work out.

888 - Seeing the number eight, which represents infinity, means that you are effortlessly following the natural flow of your life, and can be seen as a reminder to be grateful for how far you have come.

999 - According to numerology, you’ll most likely see repeating nines if you have been working on something for a while, and this should be taken as a sign that you are reaching the completion of your goal.