When we discuss accessing your higher self, we're not delving into abstract spiritual concepts but addressing the human journey toward self-actualization. This process involves unfolding your unique potentials through your chosen pursuits. It's about transforming these inherent possibilities into tangible realities that you continue to build upon as you progress along your personal path of growth and mastery.
In our philosophical view of human existence, true happiness arises when individuals have ample opportunities to connect with their higher selves. This connection allows them to transform what is potential within them into something actual, becoming who they inherently know they are at the deepest level of their being. This is creation in its purest human form—not the creation of external entities, but the creation of the self.
Many people seek happiness but often err by believing it can be achieved through means other than self-actualization. They focus all their energy and attention on external objects like money, power, popularity, or success. In doing so, they risk becoming slaves to these external goals, functioning merely as machines whose sole purpose is to attain these desired circumstances.
While we cannot separate ourselves from our external environments and must pay attention to them, the central question should always be:
"What specific conditions are necessary for my becoming, for the unfolding of that which is uniquely me?"
When this question guides our lives, the resulting environmental conditions often align with what anyone—including those chasing money, power, popularity, or success—would find desirable. However, in this context, wealth, influence, recognition, and achievement become secondary outcomes of self-actualization rather than primary objectives.
By prioritizing the development of our true selves, we naturally cultivate a life that not only fulfills us internally but also manifests external successes. This alignment ensures that our pursuits are meaningful and that our achievements are a byproduct of living authentically, rather than the sole focus of our existence.