The Spiritual Significance of Number 11: Balance and Harmony

The Spiritual Significance of Number 11: Balance and Harmony

Some believe the biblical meaning of number 11 is associated with things that would be considered imperfect, a disorganization of systems, and the disorder or chaos of things. The number 11 carries a vibrational frequency of balance as well as represents male and female equality. It contains both sun and moon energy simultaneously yet holding them both in perspective separateness. Consequently, the number 11 in our lives often signal us to be aware of our balance.

Elevens are magical messages asking us if we are centered or off kilter. When we add 1+1 (eleven reduced) we get number two – which is also a balance number. Numeral two also deals with balance and harmony. Those who recognize the spiritual meaning of number Eleven in their lives are quite sensitive to vibrational frequencies matching these attributes above listed. Elevens appearing on a consistent basis is indicative of a reflective, thoughtful, and intuitive soul.

Eleven presents itself to people who appear to be very psychically connected. I believe each time the number 11 is observed, it is the Universe sending a message of alignment and higher consciousness. As we deal with energy in our lives, it is integral to understand we are at once a part of it, and yet the option to separate from energetic forces is present.

The spiritual meaning of number Eleven deals directly with our involvement with the progression of life. When it appears, it references both our ability to be objective and subjected to life events. It is how we enter through the doorway of choice that determines the purity of the outcome. Embracing the energy of Eleven can lead to profound personal growth and a deeper understanding of our place in the universe.